Monday, February 6, 2012

What are the demographics of where this sect can be found? How many people practice this particular branch (either the overall # and/or the percentage within the religion)

The Orthodox Judaism religion can be found in the Western World such as in Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.  Out of the Jewish relgion, about 40% Jews practice Orthodox Judaism.

This shows the location of Judaism on a map.
How and where did this particular branch develop? 

There are three different forms of Orthodox Judaism.  There is the regular Orthodox, the Modern Orthodox, and the Ultra - Orthodox. The Orthodox and Modern Orthodox formed due to the growth of new branches in Judaism. The Ultra - Orthodox inculdes the Chasidic sect, and was formed in Europe.
This is a chart of the Varieties of Orthodox Judaism including Modern and Ultra Orthodox.

How does your sect differ from the other branches within the major religion?

Each branch of Judaism believe in a different way of how the Torah was created.  The Orthodox Judaism branch, believes that the Torah was given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai.  They also believe that the Torah contains 613 commandments.

The mountain picture aboved is Mount Sinai, where it was believed by the Orthodox Jews that Moses obtained the Torah from God.

How does this monotheistic religion differ from the other two major monotheistic religions? 

Judaism differs from Christianity and Islam because it believes in a different prophet.  Each relgion believes in a different prophet.  Judaism's prophet is Moses.  Also, Judaism differs because of their holy book (TeNaKh), house of worship (synagogue), and worshiping days.

The Jewish Star (star of David) is the symbol of Judaism.

What traditions or rituals do they follow? List and describe at least 3.

In Judaism there are two cycles of festivals in a year.  In the first cycle, spring, Passover occurs, which was when the Jews escaped the Egyptian grasp.  Shavuot is in memory of Moses obtaining the laws, and the end of the grain harvest.  Sukkoth is an autumn festival, and then the last tradition is the Simchat Torah which marks the end and beginning of the Torah readings.
The second cycle includes Rosh Hashanah, the new year and Yom Kippur, the day of Atonement.  Also Hanukkah occurs, which is a tradition in memory of Maccabees' war for independence.

The manora represents the eight days in the tradition known as Hanukkah.

What holy book do they use and what holy days do they observe? List and describe at least 2.

They use the holy book known as the Torah.  Their holy days are known as the Shabbats, and they worship on Fridays and Saturdays.
This is a link to a video about the Shabbats, or holy days.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

What is the place of worship? What are the major features of this place? (details of architecture, how it is decorated, what the place is called)

The Jews worship in a place known as the synagogue.  The synagogue doesn not have a specific structure, and most synagogues artwork and designs vary from one another.  However there must be a table where the holy book can be read.  Also the heart of the synagogue is the public scriptures which are inscribed on a large scroll, and contained in a location known as an Ark.

Synagogue in Baltimore, Maryland